Welcome to Sahyadri!

Just having one of those days when you will sit quietly sipping your midnight coffee (perks of being jobless) while thinking “what’s up with these stupid wannabe people?”

Seeing too many videos about “riverside camping, Cliffside breakfast/lunch/dinner, stay under starry night” and people going “OMG! @SomeShittyBFF let’s go there!”

While writing this post, I am still laughing at one of the viral videos on social media where a simple descent using well made steps on a fort trek is so over hyped that it will be seen as a literal death trap! (In reality, it’s one of the easy treks around)

So I get one more coffee, take a proper ‘studious’ position to sit, start thinking about all the ways to ‘write with elegance’ about the ‘adventure,wanderlust,thirst to travel’…only to realize that it’s next to impossible!

What to brag about Sahyadri???

It’s there for the whole time, totally neglected.

Sometimes we realize that it’s there.

Sometimes it feels like a good old friend, (Pal, as some may say!) who’s just waving his hands through the crowd. (Also telling that it’s okay if you don’t go to Himalayas!)

Sometimes it stands tall with all of the poetic wisdom (Gandalf??!?!?) that we studied during our school days (and totally forget about it!)

Sometimes it shows its scary version, just enough to make you careful about your journey!

And sometimes, the only thing that you need to feel is just being there!

When you are strolling around the foggy routes, climbing your way through, losing your route in Lord knows what forest, you feel humbled…exited…confident…satisfied! If you don’t, you shouldn’t be here!

After all , it’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

Welcome to Sahyadri!

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